The best time to plant a tree was 5 years ago!

At Wild Oak Farms in Lincolnton, Georgia, the art of cultivating trees is a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. The farm's commitment to providing customers with the utmost variety and convenience is evident in their approach to growing trees—both in the nurturing embrace of the earth and within the confines of carefully tended pots.

The practice of growing trees in the ground is a timeless method that Wild Oak Farms embraces with dedication. A stroll through the farm reveals rows of trees firmly rooted in the soil, their branches reaching towards the sky with a natural grace. These trees, embedded in the earth, benefit from the richness of the local soil, allowing their roots to spread and anchor firmly, resulting in robust and resilient specimens. Whether customers seek the stately presence of shade-providing oaks or the ornamental beauty of flowering varieties, the in-ground trees at Wild Oak Farms are a testament to the farm's commitment to offering a diverse selection.

In addition to in-ground cultivation, Wild Oak Farms recognizes the practicality and versatility of growing trees in pots. The carefully curated collection of potted trees caters to the needs of customers with limited space, those looking for more manageable sizes, or individuals who wish to easily relocate their trees. Potted trees provide a convenient solution for urban gardens, patios, or anyone seeking the flexibility to move and rearrange their green companions. The pots themselves are chosen with care, ensuring proper drainage and ample space for root development, fostering healthy growth.

This dual approach to tree cultivation—both in the ground and in pots—underscores Wild Oak Farms' commitment to meeting the diverse needs of their customers. It showcases an understanding that gardening is a personalized experience, and each individual may have unique requirements for their outdoor space.

Whether you're envisioning a grand, mature tree taking root in your backyard or seeking the convenience of a potted specimen adorning your porch, Wild Oak Farms provides a range of choices to suit your preferences. Corbin and Sarah Dickson's thoughtful cultivation practices create a harmonious balance between the natural rhythm of the earth and the adaptability required for modern gardening. At Wild Oak Farms, the beauty of trees is not just in their branches and leaves but in the thoughtful consideration given to how they are grown, ensuring that every customer finds the perfect tree to enhance their outdoor space.

Current Inventory

  • Laurel Oak

    The Laurel Oak is an acorn-producing semi-evergreen tree that may grow up to 60 feet tall, with a dense canopy that may extend out 40 to 60 feet. The tree gains its common name from its shiny, narrow leaves, which resemble a laurel shrub.

  • Live Oak

    The name live oak comes from the fact that evergreen oaks remain green and "live" throughout winter, when other oaks are dormant and leafless. The southern live oak is the official state tree of Georgia.

  • Overcup Oak

    Overcup oak bears a distinctive acorn; the nut is almost entirely covered by the cup. The 30-45 ft., deciduous tree has a rounded crown at maturity.

  • Willow Oak

    A handsome oak with willow-like leaves. Foliage is light to bright green in summer and yellow, yellow-brown and russet in fall. Relatively fast-growing, it tolerates poorly drained soil. Prefers acid soil and full sun. Grows to 40-60 ft. with a 35 ft. spread.

  • Bald Cypress

    To the surprise of many, with the bald cypress being native to southern swamps, it does quite well when planted in the right soil in yards or along streets and is a beautiful specimen tree. It has been grown successfully in cities as far north as Milwaukee and on dry Texas hills.

  • Little Gem Magnolia

    All the charm of a southern magnolia in a smaller size, the little gem magnolia is a popular ornamental choice for people living in hardiness zones 6 through 10. If you choose this variety, you will be rewarded early on. The shrub blooms as soon as two or three years old and provides a profusion of fragrant blossoms in those early years of growth.

  • River Birch

    As a landscape tree, the River Birch can be planted almost anywhere in the U.S. The species is valued for its relatively rapid growth, tolerance of wetness and some drought, unique curling bark, spreading limbs, and relative resistance to birch borer.

  • Acoma Crape Myrtle

    The Acoma crape myrtle is a hybrid variety producing beautiful white flowers.. This particular variety only attains a height up to ten feet or so and is frequently reported as staying small in size and being more shrub-like instead of appearing like a tree.

  • Tuscarora Crape Myrtle

    The crape myrtle is often referred to as the "lilac of the South." This stunning tree is renowned for its showy flowers, beautiful bark, fast growth, and tolerance of soil conditions. The petals are wrinkled like crepe paper, adding to the appeal of this popular tree.

  • Nellie Stevens Holly

    One of the most attractive of all hollies! Vigorous growing with a broad pyramidal tree-like form, dense branching, and lustrous, dark green, leathery foliage. An excellent hedge, screen, or specimen. Produces large, bright orange-red berries.

  • Daydream Believer Camellia

    Daydream Believer Camellia is a fast-growing upright evergreen shrub with glossy leaves that stay deep green year-round. The large single white flowers with prominent stamen bloom from early fall into winter attracting butterflies. Best blooms occur in partial sun and acidic, well-drained soil.

  • Kanjiro Camellia

    Dense semi-weeping habit and glossy, dark green foliage produces an exceptional evergreen for foundation planting and backgrounds. A mid-season bloomer with stunning cerise pink semi-double blooms edged in red with golden stamens and a slight fragrance.